Alumni Special Events & Class Reunions
Special Events
There are many different Alumni Events that happen throughout the year. Those events are communicated thru social media and email. Please update your alumni contact information form so that you receive the proper information.
Annual Events
Pies and Ales (Fall)
Alumni Football Tailgate (Fall)
Jackson Area Alumni Reception (Spring)
Memphis Area Alumni Reception (Spring)
Parents of Alumni Luncheon (Spring)
Class Reunions
Frequently Asked Questions
Reunions start at the 10-year milestone. Some classes gather every 5 years; others opt for every 10 years.
- Your reunion year includes the 12 months following your graduation date. For example, if you graduated in May of 1999, your 20th reunion could be held anytime between May of 2019 and April of 2020.
- The school does not set your reunion date. However, it does provide several weekends during the year with free events to plan around. Homecoming, Basketball Homecoming, and our annual Golf Tournament are all great times to plan a reunion get-together because there will be other events to enjoy in addition to the reunion.
- Your class president typically handles reunion planning. However, sometimes it is whoever is local and interested in helping to coordinate the event.
- Ideas for reunion gatherings include: meeting at a restaurant, holding an event at someone’s home, or renting a venue. The organizing committee can estimate costs and collect from those attending.
- The alumni office is available to help with class lists, contact information, ideas for reaching out to classmates through social media and email, and coordinating your reunion with one of our Homecoming events.
- For more information about scheduling a class reunion, please contact Elizabeth Atkins at